Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What level of training is provided at The Academy?
A: Absolutely professional-level training for all course Students is provided. The
Academy has developed excellent instructional materials and couples these materials
with superior instruction in all venues. All instruction is conducted in a respectful,
non-competitive, learning-rich environment.
Q: Does The Academy employ formal curriculums?
A: Yes! Each course is guided in the classroom by a formal written curriculum designed
to formalize each presentation and make all courses uniform in presentation, regardless
of the venue.
Q: Who are the Instructors in each Academy unit?
A: Instructors are all professionals in their respective fields of expertise. Each
Instructor has at least five years of classroom experience and receives extensive
training on The Academy's professional instructional methodology.
Q: Is The Academy just designed for practicing professionals?
A: Actually, The Academy provides instruction to professionals as well as to individuals
who just want to learn a second language for pleasure or future travel, and The Academy provides
instruction for professionals in a wide range of fields. We have specialty courses
for elementary school, junior high school and senior high school students, adults, and individuals in many avocations.
Q: What range of courses are offered at The Academy?
A: The Academy has a very wide range of courses that now number over 120. Each course
has been professionally written and designed for maximized learning of the presented
subject matter. These courses include second language courses for adults, second
language courses for elementary school, junior high school and senior high school students, and avocation-specific
second language courses. There is literally a course (or more)
for everyone here at The Academy.
Q: How frequently does The Academy conduct each course?
A: The Academy sets its training schedule based upon Student demand. A maximum of
25 Students are enrolled in each course to maximize the training experience. Every
effort is made to schedule every course at each Academy unit at least quarterly.
Many courses can be scheduled on a greater frequency basis depending upon Student
Q: When are courses offered at The Academy?
A: The Academy conducts courses on weekdays, evenings, and weekends to accommodate
the schedules of Students. The Academy is actually able to conduct classes inside
the Academy unit and in hosts' facilities on a twenty-four hour, seven day per week
basis in order to accommodate the needs of those Students who are assigned to various
shifts. All instruction is offered exclusively in the classroom.
Q: How do Students enroll?
A: Students go to the web site link for The Academy unit closest to them and follow
the instructions.
Q: Where are Academy units located?
A: Go to our location listing for a current full list
of Academy units across the USA.
Q: How many franchised Academy units are planned across the USA?
A: The Academy plans to have over 300 individual Academy units in operation across
the USA.
Q: Will The Academy consider other franchised territories in addition to those listed?
A: Yes! The Academy will consider additional franchised territories upon strong
recommendation from the Candidate, a Regional Developer, or a Franchisee.
Q: What is "Discovery Day?"
A: Discovery Day is the day selected by the Franchisor to meet with the Candidate,
at which time personal meetings occur between the Franchisor's staff and the Candidate.
The Franchisor reviews the franchise in detail, including materials, and the Candidate
relates plans to own and operate Academy units within the desired exclusive territory(s).
It is also known as "Decision Day" when the Franchisor and Candidate decide
whether each is a proper fit for the other.
Quick Facts About The Academy
- The Academy began offering franchise territories on January 31, 2021.
- Territories are exclusive.
- Territories are delineated by full county. County lines are territory boundaries.
- The Academy plans to award over one hundred territories across the USA in major metropolitan areas.
- The Academy does not plan to operate "company" units, instead devoting all of its resources and talent to its Franchisees.
- More than 120 professional-grade courses of instruction are offered through each Academy unit. Each Academy unit sets its own schedule, and that unit is required to offer each course of instruction at a minimum quarterly. Many courses are designed to be offered more frequently than quarterly.
- Over 120 proprietary text/work books written by professional teachers who are experts in their respective fields accompany courses presented by The Academy. All course materials (text/work books, curriculums, and audio recordings) are perfectly in sync with one another.
- Franchise Fee per territory: $50,000.00
- Franchise Royalty Fee: 5% of Gross Revenue (monthly)
- Franchise Marketing Fee: 1% of Gross Revenue (monthly)
- Franchisee participates in an intensive two-week training session in the Phoenix, Arizona area.
- Instructors are trained by the Franchisee and certified by the Regional Developer in its classroom using the corporate Instructor training program materials.
Contact Information:
Academy Franchise Partnership, Inc.
P.O. Box 20654
Mesa, AZ 85277
(602) 799-0950 Corporate Office
Copyright © Academy Franchise Partnership, Inc.
Academy Franchise Partnership, Inc.
P.O. Box 20654
Mesa, AZ 85277
(602) 799-0950 Corporate Office
Copyright © Academy Franchise Partnership, Inc.